You will be given your SITE
ID after you
apply. You must have the following code in your site before you can
be admitted into the ring and the box will not be completely activated
unil your site has been reviewed. After you apply to the web ring
, add the html to your site and your site will be reviewed no less than
three days from your application. If your site does not contain the
box it will be checked one more time a week later. You application
will be removed if the box cannot be found at that time. If your
application is accepted the control box on your site will be activated
and you will then be linked to all of the other member's free GIF sites.
The html above will be emailed to you after you
apply contianing all the appropriate insertions that you may copy and paste
instead of using the code above.
You may change the code only so that it will match
or fit your site. If any of the main parts are removed you will be
removed from the web ring, and you will need to reapply to join again.